Harald Schirmer - es kommt nicht nur darauf an, was wir tun, sondern WIE wir es tun!

Schlagwort: kpi

  • The power of SHARING

    The power of SHARING

    Only if we stick our brains together, learning from and with each other, across our existing silos, we will be able to solve todays complex tasks… via sharing. #SHARING is a fairly new term for many, which has a variety of meanings. Some see it as sending a file via eMail or „uploading a final…


  • Bridging the digital gap with business transformation

    Bridging the digital gap with business transformation

    Wow, what an awesome visualization the Keen Folks put together here – but the content is even more amazing. Learning from thought leaders across the industries has always been a great inspiration to me. For the second time now I have been invited to contribute myself some experience and thoughts to this collection of insights:…


  • Self Assessment – Digital Maturity

    Self Assessment – Digital Maturity

    Digital Transformation is a buzzword – hardly anyone can explain that with only a few sentences. For most people it is even „just an IT topic“. Today I introduced the idea of an self assessment at the DGFP Zukunftswerkstatt in Berlin – and got quite some good feedback (Thank you for the additions!!) [box type=“download“…


  • HR Analytics – PPP Tagung … Tweets

    HR Analytics – PPP Tagung … Tweets

    Invensity GmbH und die Technische Universität Darmstadt luden zur „Preferred Partnership Programm“ Tagung mit folgendem Titel ein: HR Analytics New implications for performance measurement „Reiche“ Fachvorträge aus verschiedenen Perspektiven zum Thema Messen, Performance, KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), BigData, Recht und Leadership. Hier meine „Tweets“ während des Tages – entlang der Agenda. Die Fotos und Tweets…
